Channel: cuddleofdeath
Category: Gaming
Tags: newspokemon shieldnintendopokemon 2019pokémon sword and shieldserebiiarmored evolutionsnintendo switchrumorspokémon swordtipsleakshelppokemon battlepokémon sword spoilerspokemon swordcuddleofdeathwalkthroughpokémon shieldplaythroughpokemon gopokémon sword & shieldpokémon shield spoilersguide
Description: #PokemonSword #PokemonShield #PokemonNews Hi guys, it's LATE (or early) for us right now. I was scrolling through Twitter when I noticed that some of the CoroCoro information regarding Sword and Shield has arrived for this month! We are currently waiting on more information, and I intend on covering it, however, I will keep my titles and thumbnails as spoiler-free as possible. Anyways, apparently Japan residents can enter this awesome contest, where they get to name a Pokemon move in the upcoming games Pokémon Sword & Shield! How cool is that? The contest is open until May 10th, 2019. One lucky winner will apparently be receiving both games, while 20 other winners will receive their choice of one of the copies of either Sword or Shield. This is pretty neat, considering that the community gets to take part in naming a pokemon move. I wonder if they will ever have an international contest like this. What could it mean, though? Could it point to some of the other potential rumors out there? (I discuss these in the video, but don't worry, I preface them with a spoiler warning.) Let me know what you think the purpose of this move is, and if it points to what some of the rumors have been saying :) I look forward to hearing your thoughts! Music by: GlitchxCity - Art by: @D4ggerfish Sources used: & @Chrales